Friday, November 30, 2007

Blind Spots

인간은 누구나 블라인드 스팟을 가지고 있다. 마치 자신의 한쪽 눈을 가리고 있는 것과도 같다.
블라인드 스팟은 주관적인 편견으로 인한 패턴 안의 갇힌 사고라 할 수 있다.
사람들은 다르거나 익숙하지 않은 견해를 인정하려 하지 않는다. 그 결과 우리와 다른 타인의 관점을 왜곡하고 그 견해가 어리석은 것으로 판단해버리곤 한다.
이런 종류의 블라인드 스팟을 어떻게 극복할 수 있는 방법은?
누군가 제안을 할 때 다른 사람들이 "그건 절대 안될거야"라고 말을 할 경우, 좌절하는 대신, 그게 절대 안될 거라고 판단하는 모든 이유를 말해달라고 한다. 부정적인 사람이 제시하는 그 이유들은 그들이 가정한 것들이고, 당연히 그 가정들은 우리가 알지 못했던 그리고 영향을 미칠것이라 깨닫지 못하고 있던 믿음이다. 이런식으로 다른 관점을 갖게 되는 것이 블라인드 스팟을 극복하 데 큰 도움을 주고 더 창조적으로 생각 할 수 있게 한다. 창조적 사고와 비평적인 통찰력으로 전환가능가능한 것이다.
외견상으로 어리석게 보이는 대부분의 행동의 내면에는 블라인드 스팟이 숨어 있다.
임상심리학자이자 자기계발전문가인 매들린 L 반 헤케 박사가 쓴 블라인드 스팟이란 책에 대한 소개를 보게 되었는데, 꽤 설득력이 있는 것 같다.

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Interaction Design

Interaction Design

Interaction Design is concerned with designing interactive products to support the way people communicate and interact in their everyday and working lives. It is multidisciplinary, involving many inputs from wide-ranging disciplines and fields. Good interaction design involves getting the balance between aesthetic appeal and the right amount and kind of information per page. Great interaction design creates the potential for compelling experiences. Interaction design shapes the experiences of people as they interact with products in order to achieve their goals and objectives. Interaction designers define product behavior, mediating relationships between people and people, people and products, people and environments, and people and services across a variety of contexts. %BR%
Interaction design attempts to improve the usability and experience of the object or system, by first researching and understanding certain users' needs and then designing to meet and exceed these needs.
And HCI (Human-Computer Interaction) is one of Interaction Design scope.


Interaction design was first proposed by Bill Moggridge in the late 1980s. The field was originally called "SoftFace" and later renamed "Interaction Design". In 1989, Gillian Crampton-Smith established an interaction design MA at the Royal College of Art in London (originally entitled "computer-related design" and now known as "design interactions"). In 2001, she helped found the Interaction Design Institute Ivrea, a small institute in Northern Italy dedicated solely to interaction design. Today, interaction design is taught in many schools worldwide.

Usability & User Experience Goals

Interaction design creates a focus on (some of) the users%BR%
User experience meant how a product behaves and is used by people in the real world.
A central concern of interaction design is to develop interactive products that are:

  • effective to use (effectiveness) - Effectiveness is a very general goal and refers to how good a product is at doing what it is supposed to do
  • efficient to use (efficiency) - Efficiency refers to the way a product supports users in carrying out their tasks.
  • safe to Use (safety) - Safety involves protecting the user from dangerous conditions and undesirable situations.
  • having Good Utility (utility) - Utility refers to the extent to which the product provides the right kind of functionality so that users can do what they need or want to do.
  • easy to learn (learnability) - Learnability refers to how easy a system is to learn to use.
  • easy to remember (memorability) - Memorability refers to how easy a product is to remember how to use, once learned.

Considering what to design

The appropriateness of different kinds of interfaces and arrangements of input and output devices depends on;

  • who is going to be using them.
  • how they are going to be used.
  • where they are going to be used.

General Steps in Interaction Design

There is a general process which is to create a solution (not the solution) to a known problem.
A key element in this process is the idea of iteration, where the aim is to build quick prototypes and test them with the users to make sure the proposed solution is satisfactory.

Design Research

Using design research techniques (observations, interviews, and activities) designers investigate users and their environment in order to learn more about them and thus be better able to design for them.

Concept Generation

Drawing on a combination of user research, technological possibilities, and business opportunities, designers create concepts for new software, products, services, or systems. This process may involve multiple rounds of brainstorming, discussion, and refinement.

Creation of Scenarios/Personas/Profiles

From the patterns of behavior observed in the research, designers create scenarios (or user stories) or storyboards, which imagine a future state of the product or service. Often the designer will first create personas or user profiles from which the scenarios are built.

Wireframing and Flow Diagrams

The features and functionality of a product or service are often outlined in a document known as a wireframe ("schematics" is an alternate term). Wireframes are a page-by-page or screen-by-screen detail of the system, which include notes ("annotations") as to how the system will operate. Flow Diagrams outline the logic and steps of the system or an individual feature.

Prototyping and Usability Testing

Interaction designers use a variety of prototyping techniques to test aspects of design ideas. These can be roughly divided into three classes: those that test the role of an artifact, those that test its look and feel and those that test its implementation. Sometimes, these are called experience prototypes to emphasize their interactive nature. Prototype can be physical or digital, high- or low-fidelity.


Interaction designers need to be involved during the development of the product or service to ensure that what was designed is implemented correctly. Often, changes need to be made during the building process, and interaction designers should be involved with any of the on-the-fly modifications to the design.

System Testing

Once the system is built, often another round of testing, for both usability and errors ("bug catching") is performed. Ideally, the designer will be involved here as well, to make any modifications to the system that are required.

Interaction Design Patterns

An interaction design pattern is a general repeatable solution to a commonly-occurring usability problem in interface design or interaction design. An ID pattern usually consists of the following elements:

  • Problem: Problems are related to the usage of the system and are relevant to the user or any other stakeholder that is interested in usability.
  • Use when: a situation (in terms of the tasks, the users and the context of use) giving rise to a usability problem. This section extends the plain problem-solutions dichotomy by describing situations in which the problems occur.
  • Principle: a pattern is usually based on one or more ergonomic principles such as user guidance, or consistency, or error management.
  • Solution: a proven solution to the problem. A solution describes only the core of the problem, and the designer has the freedom to implement it in many ways. Other patterns may be needed to solve sub problems.
  • Why: How and why the pattern actually works, including an analysis of how it may affect certain attributes of usability. The rationale (why) should provide a reasonable argument for the specified impact on usability when the pattern is applied. The why should describe which usability aspects should have been improved or which other aspects might suffer.
  • Examples: Each example shows how the pattern has been successfully applied in a real life system. This is often accompanied by a screenshot and a short description.
  • Implementation: Some patterns provide implementation details.

The Process of Interaction Design

  1. Identifying needs and establishing requirements for the user experience.
  2. Developing alternative designs that meet those requirements.
  3. Building interactive version of the design so that they can be communicated and assessed.
  4. Evaluating what is being built throughout the process a d the user experience it offers.

Interaction Design Principles

Certain basic principles of cognitive psychology provide grounding for interaction design. These include concepts such as mental models, mapping, metaphors, and affordances. Many of these were laid out in the influential book The Design of Everyday Things.

  • Visibility - The more visible functions are, the more likely users will be able to know what to do next.
  • Feedback - Products should be designed to provide adequate feedback to the users to ensure they know what to do next in their tasks.
  • Constraints - The design concept of constraining refers to determining ways of restricting the kinds of user interaction that can take place at a given moment.
  • Consistency - This refers to designing interfaces to have similar operations and use similar elements for achieving similar tasks.
  • Accordance - This refers to an attribute of an object that allows people to know how to use it.

Interaction Design Domains

Interaction designers work in many areas, including software interfaces, physical products, environments, services, and systems which may combine many of these. Each area requires its own skills and approaches, but there are aspects of interaction design common to all.

Understand Conceptualizing Interaction

have a clear understanding of what, why and how you are going to design something before writing any code.

Problem Space

The design of physical aspects are best done AFTER we understand the nature of the problem space
To understand the problem space, clarify usability and user experience goals and make explicit your implicit assumptions and claims.

Conceptualizing Interaction

Conceptual Model

A conceptual model is a high-level description of how a system is organized and operates.
It describes the proposed system in terms of a set of integrated idea and concepts about what it should do, behave and look like, that will be understandable by the users in the manner intended. The most important thing to design is the user's conceptual model.

A conceptual model specifies and describes:

  • Metaphors & Analogies - They are employed in the major design.
  • Concepts - The system exposes them to users, including the task-domain data-objects users create.
  • Relationships - between these concepts.
  • Mappings - between the concepts and the task-domain.

Interface Metaphors

Metaphors are commonly used to explain something that is unfamiliar or hard to grasp by way of comparison with something that is familiar and easy to grasp. An interface metaphor is considered to be a central component of a conceptual model. It provides a structure that is similar tin some way to aspects of a familiar entity but that also has its own behaviors and properties.

Interaction Types

  • Instructing - describes how users carry out their tasks by telling the system what to do. e.g. typing in commands, selecting options from menus.
  • Conversing - is based on the idea of a person having a conversation with a system.
  • Manipulating - involves manipulating objects and capitalizes on users' knowledge of how they do so in the physical world.
  • Exploring - involves users moving through virtual or physical environments.

Understanding Users

To understanding users, focus on what humans are good and bad at, how this knowledge can be used to inform design of technologies that,
extend human capabilities and compensate for their weaknesses .


Cognition is what goes on in our heads when we carry out our everyday activities. It involves cognitive processes, like thinking, remembering, learning, daydreaming, decision-making, seeing, reading, writing, and talking. %BR%
Cognition has been described in SIX KINDS OF PROCESSES:

  • Attention - selecting things to concentrate on
  • Perception / Recognition - how information is acquired from the environment via sense organs and translated into experiences (vision is the most dominant)
  • Memory - recalling various knowledge. We filter what knowledge to process / memorize. (most researched area)
  • Learning - how to do something (like learning to use a program)
  • Reading / Speaking / Writing - using language
  • Problem Solving / Planning / Reasoning / Decision Making - involves reflective cognition

Approaches to Cognition

These are the approaches to conceptualizing how the mind works has been to use metaphors and analogies.

mental models

When people are using a system, they develop knowledge of how to use the system and to lesser extent how the system works.
The mental model is used to help people carry out tasks. It can also give suggestions on what to do in unpredictable situations.

theory of action

Establish a goal, Form an intention, Specify an action sequence, Execute an acion, Perceive the system state, Interpret the state, Evaluate the system state with respect to the goal and intentions.

information processing

It's thinks of the mind as an information processor.

external cognition

People interact with or create information through using a variety of external representations.
Some of the main goals of this are:

  • Externalizing to reduce memory load
  • Computational offloading - occurs when we use a tool or device in conjunction with an external representation to help us carry out a computation.
  • Annotating and cognitive tracing

distributed cognition

It involves describing a 'cognitive system,' which entails interactions among people, the artifacts they use, and the environment they are working in.

My Original Doc :

Referenced Original Source
<< Interaction Design: Beyond Human-Computer Interaction>>

Friday, November 16, 2007


16년지기? 친구 결혼식이 11시에 인천에서 하는 바람에 토요일인데도 알람맞춰놓고 일어나서 다 차려입고 일찍 나섰다(왔다갔다만 4시간잡아야했다.). 위치 확인한다고, 걸어가면서 청첩장을 들여다보는데 결혼식이 일요일???
전에 전화로는 토요일이라고 얘기를 들어서, 아무생각없이 청첩장 지도하고 시간만 봤었다. 근데 갑자기 "일요일" 이 눈에 들어왔다. 놀라서 전화했더니 전화를 안받았다. 확실히 오늘은 아니어서 자고 있는 것 같았다. -_-;
그런데도 불구하고, 그 전전주 토요일이 친구 결혼식이랑 돌잔치가 겹쳐서, 이 친구 결혼식이랑 겹치지 않는구나 하고 있었기 때문에 내가 잘못들었을 수도 있다는 생각이 안들어서 예식장에까지 전화해서 확인해봤다. 역시 일요일...
문자를 보내놔서 곧 친구한테 전화가 왔다. 내가 자초지종을 말하니까, 자기도 자기 결혼식 헤깔려서 말했나?? 했다. ^^; 첨에는 내 기억에 의심을 안했다가 곰곰히 생각해보니까, 설마 그 친구가 중요한 자기 결혼식날을 잘못말했을리는 없을테고, 분명히 내가 무의식중에 다른 결혼식날짜랑 같이 몰아서 편리한 기억을 만들어 내 버렸을 지도 모른다는 생각이 들었다. 사람 기억이 이렇게도 꼬이는구나 싶었다. 이런 황당한 실수를 한건 진짜 오래간만이다. 나도 요새 참 정신이 없었나보다.
아침부터 인천까지 갔다올뻔했다. T T

Friday, November 09, 2007


시대를 통틀어서도 독특한 천재였던 Leonardo 다빈치는 1452-1519의 사이에서 살았던 이탈리아의 예술가이자 과학자였다. 발명자, 엔지니어, 건축가, 수학자, 지질학자이기도 했었기도 했던 그는 이런 말도 남겼다고 한다.
"인간은 능변으로 말할 수 있지만, 그 내용은 대부분 허구이기 쉽고, 그래서 늘 공허하다. 동물은 한정된 것밖에 말하지 못하지만, 그 내용은 모두 진실되고 유용하다. 큰 허구보다 작지만 진실된 편이 낫다."

Thursday, November 01, 2007

나는 전설이다.

지구 최후의 생존자, 인류 최후의 전쟁,
이제 그는 전설이 된다!

세계 제3차 대전이 일어난 가까운 미래. 핵전쟁으로 전 인류가 멸망하고, 오직 과학자 로버트 네빌(윌 스미스)만이 살아남는다. 텅 비어버린 거리, 어쩌면 지구에 살아남은 유일한 생존자일지 모를 네빌은 매일같이 라디오 방송을 송신하며 또 다른 생존자를 찾는다. 그리고 마침내 무엇인가를 찾아낸 네빌. 지구에 살아남은 것은 그만이 아니었다!
그러나 그 무언가는 네빌의 목숨을 위협하고 이제 네빌은 그에 맞선 인류 최후의 거대한 전쟁을 벌여야만 한다.
그를 위해, 어딘가 살아있을지 모를 인류를 위해, 그리고 지구를 위해…
이제 그는 전설이 된다!

약간 비슷한 류의 레지던트이블3는 약간 실망스러웠는데, 이번엔 윌스미스에게 기대를 걸어봐야겠다.