Thursday, June 28, 2007

UI Guidelines in HCI Aspects

Guidelines in HCI Aspects

While the underlying architecture is extremely important to deliver the functionality, to the end-user, the interface is the product. They don't care, of what goes on behind the scenes, other than that they expect things to work. Every way they interact with the product is through the interface. Ease of use is essential to the success of doing every business. A good UI(User Interface) making it supported by design guidelines is one of the most important aspects of an enterprise product. It could be made from HCI (Human-Computer Interaction) aspects. HCI focuses on the needs, tasks, and goals of computer users in order to create computer systems which are simple and natural to use. %BR%
Remember that having a well-thought out interface can save time, save frustration, and create emotional links to the product.

What is HCI?

HCI which stands for Human-computer interaction is a discipline concerned with the design, evaluation and implementation of interactive computing systems for human use and with the study of major phenomena surrounding them.

What is UI?

UI (User Interface) design is to treat the process to express system information, features and metaphor to users through computer I/O device.
Good interface represents the three principles (Usefulness, Usability and Affect) of HCI (Human-computer interaction) fully to provide optimal experience to users and it allows the users to maximize their efficiency and effectiveness when using it

UI Design

UI design means the whole user interface, not just parts or elements of it, but everything about it.
And the UI should be transparent to the task the user is trying to accomplish and be efficient, satisfying, and fun to use.
There is no such thing as a product that will completely satisfy 100% of its users, and this should not be our design goal. Our goal for user interface design is to have the interface positively support users' endeavors and never intrude adversely.

Design Principles

Existing design principles are based on our own experiences in user interface design, on the design experiences of others, and on insights from linguistics and psychology. We have extended these design principles to address evolving interfaces that will provide a more friendly appearance and behavior in the future. .
In order to effectively apply these design principles, you need to understand users' tasks and requirements. Understanding and applying principles will be meaningless if users are unhappy with the final product.

* Simplicity: Don't compromise usability for function
* Support: User is in control with proactive assistance
* Familiarity: Build on users' prior knowledge
* Obviousness: Make objects and their controls visible and intuitive
* Encouragement: Make actions predictable and reversible
* Satisfaction: Create a feeling of progress and achievement
* Accessibility: Make all objects accessible at all times
* Safety: Keep the user out of trouble
* Versatility: Support alternate interaction techniques
* Personalization: Allow users to customize
* Affinity: Bring objects to life through good visual design

Since the principles are derived from practice, they need to be applied carefully. Often principles have to be traded-off against other constraints or each other and to be refined or extended according to a particular context. In order to effectively apply these design principles, users's tasks and requirements should be fully understood.

The Process of User Interface Design

* Requirements: Determine the requirements for the application
* Conceptual Design: Model the underlying business that the application will support
* Logical Design: Design in general terms how the application will operate
* Physical Design: Design in specific terms how the application will be constructed
* Construction: Construct the application
* Usability Testing: Test the usability of the user interface

Interface Design Elements

* Color
* Layout
* Shape
* Typography
* Graphics

Visual Composition

* Balance
* Sequence
* Symmetry
* Sequences
* Rhythm
* Contrast
* Proportion
* Unity
* Simplicity
* Density
* Regularity
* Equilibrium

UI Design Steps

* step1: Learn the tasks.
* step2: Develop the user interface conceptual model
* step3: Develop screens/interactions that follow established user interface design guidelines, techniques and rules (heuristics).
* step4: Test the resulting design

Web Style Guide : User-centered Design

Clear Navigation Aids

Clear, consistent icons, graphic identity schemes, and graphic or text-based overview and summary screens can give the user confidence that they can find what they are looking for without wasting time.

Visual Hierarchy

The primary task of graphic design is to create a strong, consistent visual hierarchy in which important elements are emphasized and content is organized logically and predictably. Contrast is essential.


Establish a layout grid and a style for handling your text and graphics, then apply it consistently to build rhythm and unity across the pages of your site. A consistent approach to layout and navigation allows readers to adapt quickly to your design and to confidently predict the location of information and navigation controls across the pages of your site.

Page Dimensions

The computer screen is the primary delivery site for Web-based information, and the computer screen is very different from the printed page. The safe area for Web page graphics is determined by two factors: the minimum screen size in common use and the width of paper used to print Web pages.

Direct Access

Users want to get information in the fewest possible steps. This means that you must design an efficient hierarchy of information to minimize steps through menu pages.

* Bandwidth and interaction
Users will not tolerate long delays. Research has shown that for most computing tasks the threshold of frustration is about ten seconds.

* Simplicity and consistency
Users are not impressed with complexity that seems gratuitous, especially those users who may be depending on the site for timely and accurate work-related information. Your interface metaphors should be simple, familiar, and logical.

* Design integrity and stability
To convince your users that what you have to offer is accurate and reliable, you will need to design your Web site as carefully as you would any other type of corporate communication, using the same high editorial and design standards.
Functional stability in any Web design means keeping the interactive elements of the site working reliably.

* Feedback and dialog
Your Web design should offer constant visual and functional confirmation of the user's whereabouts and options, via graphic design, navigation buttons, or uniformly placed hypertext links. Feedback also means being prepared to respond to your users' inquiries and comments.


Good typography establishes a visual hierarchy for rendering prose on the page by providing visual punctuation and graphic accents that help readers understand relations between prose and pictures, headlines and subordinate blocks of text.

* CSS(Cascading Style Sheets)
It provides control over the exact visual style of headers, paragraphs, lists, and other page elements
CSS determines exactly how your titles, subheadings, and body will look. CSS you can set up one master style sheet will control the visual styling of every page in your site that is linked to the master style sheet. %BR%
* The major Web browsers offer inconsistent and incomplete CSS support.

* Legibility
Good typography depends on the visual contrast between one font and another and between text blocks, headlines, and the surrounding white space. It consists of Alignment, Line Length, White Space, Typefaces, Type Size, Emphasis.

Thursday, June 21, 2007


너무 더워하는 오토의 털을 밀어 줘야 하나 말아야 하나 딜레마에 한동안 빠져 있었는데, 결국 애견미용실 예약을 했다. 예약을 하고서도 마음이 편하지가 않다.
아주 간단한 것들은 눈빛이나 행동만 봐도 알 수 있지만, 어떨 땐, 진짜 이종언어 해독기같은게 있으면 싶다. 어떤 개들은 더울까봐 털을 밀어주면 자존심 상해하기도 하고, 창피해하기도 하고, 오히려 체온조절하는데 더 어려움을 겪기도 한다고 한다. 물론 시원해 하는 개들도 많다.
털빠지는 것을 병적으로 싫어하는 주인을 만나서 사시사철 민둥산으로 지내는 녀석들도 있고,
견종 특성을 살려주는 미용을 늘 해서 쇼독처럼 다니는 녀석들도 있다.
또는 견종특성이 미용을 안하고 숱이 많은 털을 그대로 두는 경우라면, 찜통더위에도 북극에서나 입는 코트를 입고 견뎌야 할 경우도 생긴다.
개를 키우는 건 자식을 키우는 것과 별반 다를바가 없다고들 한다. 어떤게 자식에게 더 좋을까를 항상 생각하고, 많은 수고와 노력이 들어가도 오히려 행복해하면서, 자식만 바라봐도 배가 부른 부모를 생각할 수도 있고,자식에게 자기 취향이나 사상을 무조건 강요하기도 하고, 학대하기도 하고, 심지어는 죽이기도 하는 부모를 떠올릴 수도 있다.
어렸을 때, 자신의 운명이 부모님이나, 선생님, 또는 신에 의해 전적으로 좌우되는 것에 분노한 기억들이 한번쯤은 있을 거다. 개에게 있어서 인간은 부모나 신적인 존재가 될 수밖에 없다.
부모나 신은 본의아니더라도, 다른 생명체의 운명을 좌우할 수 있는만큼, 큰 책임감이 필요하다.

Friday, June 15, 2007

메타포의 다양한 정의들

metapho (그리스어: metapherin)를 말 그대로 분석하면,두개 또는 그 이상의, 겉으로는 관련이 없는 주제를 직접 비교로 정의한 수사어구이다.

Metaphor is when you use two nouns and compare or contrast them to one another. Unlike simile, you don't use "like" or "as" in the comparison.
Examples) I am a rainbow.

A metaphor is the expression of an understanding of one concept in terms of another concept, where there is some similarity or correlation between the two.

A metaphor is the understanding itself of one concept in terms of another.

A metaphor is defined as a figure of speech, or something that we use to replace "normal" words in order to help others understand or enjoy our message.

Metaphor is defined as the substitution of one idea or object with another, used to assist expression or understanding.

Friday, June 08, 2007

미래에서 살고 싶다.

아침 뉴스에서 열에 따라 색상이 바뀌는 옷을 소개했다.
페인트 처럼 뿌리면 옷이 되는 것도 있었고,
패션에서도 SF 영화에서나 보던 일이 점차 실현되고 있다.

북극 얼음이 녹아내리고, 오존층과 숲의 파괴로 지구가 멸망을 향해 가고 있다고도 하지만,
극복할 수 있는 기술이 나올거라 믿는다.
죽기전에 SF 영화에서 나오는 삶을 다 경험할 수 있으면 좋겠다.

Friday, June 01, 2007

동물을 대하는 태도

한 나라의 위대성과 그 도덕성은 동물들을 대하는 태도에 의해 결정될 수 있다.
-마하트마 간디

동물을 대하는 태도를 보고서 사람의 본성을 판단할 수 있다.
-임마뉴엘 칸트

이 세상의 동물은 그들 나름대로 존재의 이유가 있다.
흑인이 백인을 위해 창조된 것이 아닌 것처럼,
여자가 남자를 위해 창조된 것이 아닌 것처럼,
그들도 인간을 위해 참조된 것이 아니다.
-앨리스 워커

나는 자신의 개나 고양일 잘 대해주지 않는 사람이라면, 어떤 종교를 가진 사람이건 관심을 두지 않는다 .
- 에이브라함 링컨

굶주린 개를 데려다 잘 먹여 키워주면, 그 개는 절대로 당신을 물지 않을 것이다.
그것이 개와 인간의 근본적인 차이다.
- 마크 트웨인